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Position: 4-Year Private Sector Representative

LeChelle Hunt-Davenport

Southern College of Optometry

Statement of Candidacy

LeChelle is currently the Director of Financial Aid at Southern College of Optometry. She started her financial aid career at Edfinancial Services. She has been a Director, Consultant and Counselor in the Financial Aid arena for over twenty-two years. She has significant financial aid, working in public private and proprietary institutions.

LeChelle is a member of NASFAA’s 24-25 Executive Leadership Collectives, is the 24-25 Private 4-year Sector representative for the TASFAA Executive Board, a member of NASFAA’s Rapid Response Network, and has served a Mentor for first time Attendees for the Annual NASFAA Conference to name a few of her many associations.

She loves the work and feels that she is making a difference in student’s lives. She is originally from West Tennessee and graduated from Johnson Bible College with a Bachelor’s degree in Leadership and from Tusculum College with her Master’s degree in Organizational Management.

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