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Position: 4-Year Public Sector Representative

Liz Crye

University of Tennessee - Southern

Statement of Candidacy

I am honored to be nominated for the TASFAA 25-26 4-year Public Sector Representative. I first joined TASFAA in 2016, while I was working in financial aid part-time during my senior year of college. Now several years into the profession, I see how important TASFAA is in providing training and support to schools in our state. I currently serve as TASFAA's Historical Chair, and I have really enjoyed serving on the board.

I am currently the Assistant Director of Financial Aid at the University of Tennessee Southern, where I oversee state aid, as well as awarding aid (state, federal, and institutional aid), R2T4, conflicting information, and other duties as assigned. I hold the NASFAA FAAC designation, as well as a few NASFAA credentials.

Thank you for considering me to be the 25-26 4-year Public Sector Representative.

Professional Involvement:


Historical Chair, 2024-2025

Governmental Relations Committee Member, 2024-2025, 2023-2024

Member 2016-2018; 2020-Present


Member 2018-Present

Work Experience:

Assistant of Financial Aid, University of Tennessee Southern April 2023-Present

Financial Aid Advisor, University of Tennessee Southern April 2021-April 2023

Dual Enrollment & FWS Coordinator, Nashville State Community College February 2021-April 2021

Financial Aid Counselor, Nashville State Community College August 2020-February 2021

Financial Aid Counselor, Daytona State College February 2019-July 2020

Financial Aid Specialist, Daytona State College July 2018-February 2019

Financial Aid Work-study advanced to Counselor, Martin Methodist College August 2013-May 2018


Master of Business Administration, University of North Alabama, 2019

Bachelor of Business Administration, Martin Methodist College, 2017

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